Saturday, October 18, 2008
a bone
February 2, 2007
Friendly Dogs
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- Here's what I was been doing
- Monkey business
- Jaguar attack and award
- Happy BlogDay 2008
- Lifting weights
- I won the silver medal
- Fortune cookie
- I’m home
- Feliz Fiestas Patrias Peru!
- Back to the kennel
We've never had dog beer before, Girasol! We bet it goes great with pizza!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hola Gira!
Has estado haciendo buen uso de tu tiempo!
Girasol, no sabía que había cervezas para perritos, he de probár una, voy a pedírsela a papi...
Callie always tries to drink Dad's beer even though it isn't dog beer. hehe of course she was in his chair this am drinking his coffee too. Dad needs to be more careful when he walks away...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Que bien que lo pasas y que bien te atienden tus masters que vidaaaa Girasol :D
Prrrr Salud!!! :D
That dog beer looks yummy
i didn't know they also make beer for dogs! how old does a dog have to be to be allowed to have a drnk?
Jejejeje menudo paseo querida amiga y como colofon final,una buena cervecita canina que seguro esta bien rica arf arf!.
Que bien te compensan tus masters eh? :P
Un abracito hermosa guau guau!
Cerveza!!! que suerte!! a mi no creo que me dejen tomarla en mi dieta... me subirìa la hipertensiòn, jaja
Paticas guapa!
Those 2 are always being goofy like that. Playing chase. Mom and Dad tell me to just let them be and they will wear themselves out and leave me alone...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hola bonita flor,te he dejado en mi caseta un regalito para que lo recojas cuando gustes arf arf!
mmmm doggie cerveza! lucky!
Le Mops
The dog beer looks refreshing. Hope it was chilled when served.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Mom is always drinking beer & I never get to try it...I guess I'll have to send her to get some yummy dog brew!
I had dog beer once and it was yummy. Love the photo of you in the sunshine.
Simba x
We are back!
How does dog beer taste like?
Man, wouldnt we like some!
Cool that you get dog beer. I wish I get hamster beer here
~ Girl girl
omdog girasol, did u get drunk too?
wet wet licks
Olá Girasol!
Eu nunca experimentei cerveja! Aquilo parece muito bom! Que gosto tem??
Good evening girasol.
The light on the day beautifully must be thanked and exist on the glorious day.
And, the time of the beer is dog's happiness. :)
from loved ume tyan
hola lover power prefe
como estas????
tomando cerveza?? vaya
sabes, aqui han inventado el helado para perros.. ya te contare
It looks like lots of fun.. You enjoy the weather and the doggie beer. Have a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We just left that little girl, but don't worry she caught up and started instigating AGAIN!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Girasol,
Did you like the beer? We had one here too. Did you get any beer snacks to go along with them?
Happy Halloween
oh my dog! cerveza para perros!!!
Vaya qué cosas!
Se ve que lo pasas fenomenal.
Wow Girasol, no sabía que había cerveza para perros, ojalá hubiera para hamsters!!!
Dog beer! Does it taste good? Enjoy!
Yum - that beer looks good! I like your Snoopy dish too!
Your friend, Lenny
hola como estas girasol!! soy meisha!!! estoy haciendome amigos bloggers...te mando un lenguetazo bien mojado a vos y a toda la comunidad canina!!
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