Sunday, September 07, 2008

Monkey business

Guess what happened after the jaguar attack... You know how monkeys are... they copy everything. Well, they tried to bully me, but they could not get me. I know that all of you probably have a monkey too... like Tom Cruise would say, show me the monkey! (or was it show me the money? Anyway.... post your pics)[Spanish]
Adivina lo que sucedió después del ataque del jaguar... Ustedes saben cómo son los monos... se copian todo. Bueno, trataron de intimidarme, pero no lo lograron. Sé que todos ustedes tienen probablemente un mono... como Ton Cruise diría, enséñame el mono! (o fue el dinero? En fin…post tus fotos)

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Jaguar attack and award

My friends Verdi & Gaucho gave me the Dog Lover Blog 2008 award, thank you, Gaucho and Verdi!
I want to give this award to Ume Tyan, Byron & Xinver, and Girl Girl.
Mis amigos Verdi & Gaucho me dado el Premio Dog Lover Blog 2008, gracias Gaucho & Verdi.
Quiero dar este premio a Ume Tyan, Byron & Xinver, y Girl Girl.

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