Saturday, June 23, 2007

The suitcase

Cada vez que veo esa cosa negra en la habitación mi tristeza sale a brote. Primero esta en un rincón de la habitación, después cerca al closet y por ultimo en la cama.
Me refiero a la maleta. Cada vez que viaja alguien yo me doy cuenta al ver la maleta.
Ellos cuando empacan todo lo ponen ordenadamente y yo sigilosamente me acerco a mirar que llevan, y en un momento de descuido le pongo un juguete mío porque quiero que me lleven y yo también tengo cosas que empacar. Y si no me pueden llevar, entonces les pongo mi juguete para que me recuerden donde estén. Siempre, siempre he puesto una pelota o un pequeño juguete estratégicamente casi al fondo de la maleta en un rincón. Y cuando abran la maleta y busquen algo, encontrarán algo mío.
Mamá master se va el lunes y la maleta ya esta cerca al closet de hecho que mañana la suben a la cama y empieza a poner sus cosas, y yo sigilosamente como una ninja pondré algo para que se acuerde de mí en su estadía por el amazonas.

Whenever I see this black thing in the room my sadness grows. First it is in a corner of the room, later close to the closet, and finally on the bed.
I am referring to the suitcase. Whenever someone is going to travel, I notice it when I see the suitcase.
When they pack everything, they organize it carefully, and I secretly approach the suitcase, I see what’s inside, and when they aren’t looking, I put one of my toys in there because I want them to take me with them, and I also have things to pack. And if they can’t take me, then I put my toy in there so that they will remember me wherever they go. I have always, always put a ball or a small toy strategically almost at the bottom of the suitcase, or in a corner. And when they open the suitcase and look for something, they find something of mine.
Mom master goes away on Monday, and the suitcase is already close to the closet, I’m pretty sure that tomorrow they will put it on the bed and start putting things in there, and as secretly as a ninja, I will put something inside so that she remembers me on her trip to the Amazon.

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Friday, June 15, 2007


Back to the 80's.

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Monday, June 11, 2007


Estoy triste.
Hoy día escuche que en más o menos 10 días mi mama viajará a Perú por sus estudios. Por un momento pensé que es normal ya que ellos viajan casi cada año, pero esta vez ella viajara y estará por 16 meses, sí 16 meses! Mi papá se quedara conmigo aquí pero yo extrañaré a mi mamá mucho.
Mi mamá me ha prometido que mi master me llevará al parque siempre; dudo que sea siempre, y se que no será lo mismo sin ella.
Luego en agosto mi master se va a Perú también y me quedaré en el kennel por 2 semanas. Por un momento quise salir corriendo ladrando “noooo”, pero me di cuenta que la puerta estaba cerrada. En fin, tengo que aprovechar estos días al máximo con ella.
I am sad.
Today I heard that in about 10 days my mom will travel to Peru for her studies. For a moment, I thought that’s normal, since they travel almost every year, but this time she will travel and be there for 16 months, yeah, 16 months! My dad will stay with me here but I will miss my mom very much.
My mom has promised me that my daddy master will always take me to the park; I doubt it will be always, and it will not be the same without her.
Then in August my master goes to Peru too, and I will stay in the kennel for 2 weeks. For a moment, I wanted to run out barking “noooo”, but I realized that the door was closed. In end I have to take advantage of these days with her to the maximum.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


A month ago on a Peruvian cable TV channel (Plus TV), they were talking about blogs on a program called GGG (3 Generations), and a guy mentioned my blog. That's so cool! HeheheHere is the video. By the way the video is in Spanish.The host asks: What are the strangest blogs that you ever saw or visited?
Guy 1: Strange? Ummm…
Girl: Or that somebody told you about—not that you necessarily visited the blog.
Guy 1: There’s all kinds of blogs…
Host: But isn’t there one that has gotten your attention because it’s weird?
Guy 2: There is one that I like; it’s La Girasol.
Host: La Girasol?
Guy 2: La Girasol, the dog of a Peruvian, who moved to the USA and took his dog with him—the site says that this is the blog of La Girasol, a Peruvian dog living in the USA.
Host: A talking dog.
Guy 2: He gives voice to his dog, and she writes not only in Spanish but in English too.
Host: hehehehe
Girl: And it’s a video?
Guy 2: Not only video; she writes too.
I found the video on Sin Papel, which is the blog of one of the participants in the show.The program was aired on May 5, 2007.

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