Sunday, May 25, 2008


My friend Gorda gave me the Brilliant Weblog--thanks, Gorda!!! I want to give this award to Jeronimo, Rene, and Yogui. And my friend Candi has given me the Good Friend Award--thank, Candi!![Spanish]
Mi amiga Gorda me dado el Premio Brillante Weblog…gracias Gorda!!! Quiero dar este premio a Jerónimo, Rene y Yogui. Y mi amiga Candi me ha otorgado el The Good Friend Award…gracias Candi!!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I was busy

Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I got a big surprise! My mami master came to visit us for a few weeks! I was very excited to see her again and love keeping her company. On Friday we all planned to go to the dog beach in Annapolis (Quiet Waters Park). We have never been there before. But it was raining, so we couldn’t go after all. We were kinda sad. But then we went to Petsmart and a nice dog park in Arlington with my new toy. The park was muddy and there were no other dogs, but we still had a great time. I love my new toy. My masters put treats inside the ball, and I spend hours trying to figure out how to get them out. It is a lot of fun. My mami master will be returning to Peru very soon to continue her research; But she promised me that next time she comes home (in November) she will be back to stay! Wooofhoooo!

Disculpen por no postear hace mucho tiempo. Tuve una sorpresa! Mi mama master vino a visitarnos hace unas semanas! Estuve muy alegre de verla otra vez y de hacerle compañía. El viernes planeamos irnos a la playa para perros en Annapolis (Quiet Waters Park). Nunca había ido antes. Pero ese día llovió mucho así que no podimos ir. Pero fuimos al pet store y luego a un parque para perros en Arlington, lleve mi nuevo juguete. Mi master pone una galletita adentro de la pelota y me la paso horas tratando de sacar la galleta, es divertido, así me entretengo. Mama master regresara a Perú pronto para continuar con su investigación.; Pero me ha prometido que la próxima vez que vine a casa 9en noviembre) se quedara del todo! Wooofhoooo!

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Monday, May 05, 2008


Did you know who is Horton?/Sabes quien es Horton?
Somebody asked me for him/ Alguien me pregunto por el.
Hey Girasol, Has visto a Horton? Dile que me llame por favor, gracias.

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